

After seeing all these fifteen items that best represent the Filipino family of today, we felt delighted but depressed at the same time. Delighted because our culture is so amazing and it makes us proud that it still exists. Depressed because our Filipino culture and values are slowly vanishing due to the Westernization of our country. We have become materialistic and we somehow lost some of our values.
However, as much as we don't want to entirely point out the negatives, we had a feeling we had to for us to face the reality of all of this. A slap in the face? Yes, but this can be a good thing. This can make people change. It is true that we are connected by our past. It is up to us if we will keep it, to let it grow, or destroy it. We always have a choice. Future archeologists and historians would see a country who has no direction.
Our culture really is the reflection of who we are. The objects of our everyday lives are the artifacts of tomorrow. This is what we want our world to see. This is what we have become. It's in our hands if we'll change it, or keep it.

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